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What if the most creative minds channeled their focus into solving the most impactful problems of today? Imagine if we could apply the ingenuity that powers the most profound technology into the most fundamental of all human concerns: health.  MedHacks is the start.
At MedHacks 2015, top innovative technologists, scientists, healthcare professionals, and engineers will build amazing things together. Hackers across all disciplines will unite to meet with the experts in every part of the medical field at Johns Hopkins to develop their solutions to healthcare problems across the globe. At the end of the event, teams will have the opportunity to present their projects. Winners will be chosen by a board of judges.

Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus
Bloomberg building
615 N. Wolfe Street
Baltimore  Maryland  21205
FRIDAY 6:30-10pm
Dinner, Keynote Speakers, Problem Pitches & Team Formation
SATURDAY 9am-? (You can stay all night!)
Teams hack with help of mentors + participate in skill-building workshops
SUNDAY 9am-3:30pm
Continue to hack with your team, pitch in front of your peers and an esteeme panel of judges, winners announced

Visit website for more information