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For Inventors

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Inventor Resources

UM Ventures' primary purpose is to serve the University's faculty, staff, and students and aid in the technology transfer and commercialization processes. We can help you obtain intellectual property protection, increase your research funding through successful partnerships with business and government, and supplement your income with royalty and licensing revenues. Our interdisciplinary team is here to guide your technology through the often confusing technology transfer cycle.

If you are a University employee or have used University funds to develop your invention, have developed your invention with the help of government funding, or plan to publish your invention online, in a scientific journal, thesis, or other visible forum - written or oral -  disclose your invention to UM Ventures. Prior to publishing or presenting the intellectual property publicly, please review your Disclosure Responsibility as a University inventor.

Disclose your intellectual property to UM Ventures if:

  • The IP was created under a sponsored research agreement
  • You are a staff or student employee of the University & created the IP within the scope of your employment
  • You have used University funding/resources to develop your IP

Faculty, staff, and students are the primary source of the University's inventions and intellectual property, and we look forward to working with you to expand on the University's innovative strengths.

University intellectual property can best be protected and commercialized when it is well documented. See further resources regarding Lab Notebooks, New Ventures (Startups), and IP Protection.

For more information or questions concerning intellectual property developed in your research, contact UM Ventures.