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Instead of outsourcing to California, this Baltimore medtech company is now making its devices at home

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

CoapTech partnered with LaunchPort to figure out how its magnetically aligned catheters could be entirely locally produced.

Cutting-edge medical devices that used to be made in California are now produced entirely in Baltimore, according to a release from a local medtech company.

CoapTech, a University of Maryland, Baltimore spinout, makes the PUMA-G System — and the first Baltimore-produced batch is now market-ready. Bringing the device manufacturing home was a goal of company cofounder Steven Tropello, an emergency medicine doctor.

“We are in Baltimore,” Tropello told “And not only are we in Baltimore, but we’re trying to double down and continue to build products in Baltimore.”

Tropello last year partnered with LaunchPort, Baltimore Peninsula’s medtech manufacturing accelerator, to find a way to locally make parts for the company’s ultrasound solution for feeding tube placement.

CoapTech has seen significant growth since its spinout in 2016. The company has successfully raised over $12.55 million in funding, coupled with more than $3.5 million in federal and state grant support. The company is actively raising its Series B round. 

Read the full story from Baltimore.