PROFILE: EIRs Singhvi and Storey – Working with UMB Tech Transfer Office to Develop University’s Commercial Pipeline and Guide New Tech Start-ups
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Rahul Singhvi, Sc.D., M.B.A, and Robert Storey – entrepreneurs in residence (EIR) at the UM Baltimore (UMB) campus – are two valuable assets to the UMB Office of Technology Transfer. Dr. Singhvi and Mr. Storey have both recently joined UMB’s OTT team as EIRs, working with the office to help UMB inventors and new technology start-up companies solve potential development, regulatory and financing issues often encountered in the development of medical devices and drugs. Both business leaders have familiarity with university research and entrepreneurial communities and can assist in finding the resources needed to bring projects to fruition. With deep experience working for large corporations earlier in their careers, they also help bolster the already robust team of venture advisors available through UM Ventures.