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Case Mounting Stabilizers

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This device is used for relating casts, molds of the patient's mouth, which are used in the the construction of dentures, partial dentures, bridges, crowns, and implant restorations. No similar product is available, and dentists rely on improvised methods that are not always reliable.


Construction of dental devices


Device improves the accuracy of positioning.This makes the occlusion (the bite) of the restorations more accurate, resulting in greater comfort for the patient.
Restorations easier to adjust for the dentist.
Less chair time for the patient.
Provides a visual cue to the dentist that the casts have been accurately related.
Improves the cost effectiveness of the procedure.

Stage of Development

The device has been tested for cast stabilization in the laboratory and gives significantly better results than a standard improvised method.

R&D Required


Contact Info

Office of Technology Transfer
620 W Lexington St., 4th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (410) 706-2380