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TECHNICAL.LY BALTIMORE: SurgiGyn gets UM Ventures backing, moves to Lion Brothers building

UM Ventures is backing a company that takes a new approach to a women’s health procedure that removes the uterus and cervix as it develops its device in Baltimore.The University of Maryland’s startup-backing arm recently

Wireless ISP Wins 2014 China Business Model Competition

College Park, Md. – June 11, 2014 – MBA students from the United States, China and Israel pitched their ideas for businesses in China, vying for $2,750 in cash prizes from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School

New NSF grant funds research to build network of tiny robots for bridge inspection

Nuno Martins, Sarah Bergbreiter, Richard La to collaborate with Resensys on development of semi-autonomous system.

Washington Post's Capital Business: 2014

Weekly Washington Post columns featuring Smith School experts.

Faculty Q&A: When More Competition Is Better

The Sanity Behind Tesla’s Giveaway of Patented Technology

Redox, UMD, Microsoft, Trans-Tech to Develop Transformational Natural Gas Fuel Cells Through $5 Million in ARPA-E Funding

The goal of the project is to further advance Redox's high-performance fuel cells and drive them to market-readiness for a broad range of applications.

Diagnostic anSERS introduces SERS sensor 'for the mainstream'

UMD alumni/student company's product can detect trace chemicals for only a few dollars per test.

DOE Report Considers Potential of Thermoelastic Cooling

Technology developed in the Clark School could power more efficient air conditioning.

FiscalNote Named Coolest College Startup

Company co-founded by UMD student featured by Inc. Magazine

The Quest for a Better Battery

UMD Invention of the Year Finalists Charge Ahead
