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The Robert E. Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices

Commerce has awarded UMB and UMCP a $100,000 grant to help open the Robert E. Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices in the GRID. Several initiatives are supported by the Fischell Institute/UM Ventures:

  • Support the BioEngineering capstone program at UMB. Approximately 60 UMCP BioE undergrads are doing their capstone projects at UMB. Teams of three or four students are working with UMB clinicians to develop new medical devices.
  • Support an Engineering MS program for students who are starting their own company or working for a UMB/UMCP medical device start-up. These companies will probably be based on BioE capstone projects, but won’t be limited to those projects.

To learn more about the Fischell Institute, visit their website.